Research, publications and webinars from the Vision Zero Challenge network.
This special session will focus on materials and strategies that make tactical urbanism in the Latin American region a success.
VZC sponsor 3M explores trends in urban infrastructure and highlight the importance of visibility for traffic safety with a focus on Latin American experiences.
Vision Zero Academy will discuss vehicle safety and emerging safety technologies, and explore the importance of road design and the environment for achieving Vision Zero.
Vision Zero Academy will delve into issues of governance and leadership in improving road safety, and examine data-driven safety approaches related to Vision Zero.
Vision Zero Academy will explore the history of the road safety movement in Sweden, where Vison Zero originated, and Vision Zero policy innovation throughout the years.
In this final Webinar of 2020, WRI will present findings from our survey of VZC cities, and an overview of the VZC process for the future.
This webinar will present an overview of how data is used in the Vision Zero pioneer country of Sweden, as well as other examples such as Colombia, and invite questions on how to make the best of the data you have available in your city.
This webinar will present further details and case studies on speed management, and invite cities to ask questions of our panel of experts.
This webinar will showcase Safe System based guidance for Child Road Safety, and invite cities to ask questions of our panel of experts.
This interactive webinar will present an overview of the emergency bike lane deployment in Paris, France, from the International Transport Forum.
This interactive webinar will connect VZC cities with our global network of road safety partners, to identify and discuss how to overcome key barriers to advancing road safety.
As abordagens de Visão Zero e Sistema Seguro para a segurança viária formarão a base do nosso engajamento enquanto rede durante o Desafio Visão Zero.
Los enfoques de Visión Cero y Sistema Seguro para la seguridad vial formarán la base de nuestro compromiso como una red durante el Desafío Visión Cero.
Este webinar vai apresentar considerações cruciais para o desenho de ciclovias seguras com a devida gestão de riscos. Apresentado pelo WRI.
Los bicicarriles de emergencia hechos por medio de materiales temporales o semipermanentes pueden ayudar a las ciudades a satisfacer varias necesidades urgentes de movilidad y distanciamiento físico bajo la situación actual de pandemia.
Children and Young People
Data and Innovation
Policy and Finance
Speed Management
Road Safety Context